Homeopathic medicine never cures the symptoms but immune system of a body!! So, There is Homeopathic medicine for almost all of the diseases generally Human suffers !!

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Homeopathic medicineHomeopathy is a system of medicine which has a different approach to disease and remedies than that of conventional or "allopathic" medicine.

In the conventional approach, medicines are used that work against diseases and their symptoms. In Homeopathy, the symptoms of an illness are viewed as an indication or sign of the body's attempt to heal itself.

A Homeopathic medicine is selected that is capable of producing similar symptoms. So Homeopathy attempts to stimulate the body's own natural healing capacity, with homeopathic remedies acting as a trigger for the body's own ability to heal.

Some of the conditions Homeopathy can treat are :

  • Acute illnesses – colds, coughs, fevers, dust allergies, sore throats, stomach upsets, constipation, gas and hickeys and food poisoning.
  • Babies and children ailments – pneumonia, skin problems, childhood diseases, behavioral problems, colic, teething, continuous colds, ear problems.
  • Spots and Bron -- Dark spots, red spots, Bron, pimples and its spots and tranches, white spots, birth spots and all types of surgical and stretches spots, cut and burn spots.
  • Chronic complaints – ME, bronchitis, allergies, migraines, digestive problems, diabetics, hepatitis B/C, cholera, mild n malignant tumors, syphilis, tuberculosis, ulcers, gonorrhea, cystitis, tonsil enlarging, lever enlarging, prostate gland enlarging, shorten or enlarged stomach problems, osteoarthritis or rheumatic arthritis, high or low blood pressure, breast tumor, low RBC productivity, high WBC percentage, thrombosis and bacterial, viral or fungal poisoning of blood or skin, gangrene of muscle and bones, over sweating, heavy hair fall, gall stones, esophagus tumor, urine infection, stomach and colon ulcers, fatty liver and other chronic diseases, hernia of different types, gall bladder polyp, nasal polyp, piles, anal fistula, anal fissure, after effect of typhoid etc .
  • Genital problems-- Premature ejaculation, quick fall, night fall, over masturbating habit, thin and shortening of penis, weak erection of penis, reduction of sexual need physically or mentally.
  • Hormonal problems – premenstrual problems, menopausal problems, excessive hornyness for sex, fertility problems, painful periods, painful mate, hormonal insufficient saturation after  the correct age, over dryness inside vagina during mating time, obesity .
  • Stress and emotional problems – stress, anxiety, depression, phobias, trauma, panic attacks, bad habits, hypertension and excessive craziness suicidal or killing tendency and partial or full madness.
  • Some unusual problems-- hair growing problems of women in unusual places, bad smells of sweating, bad smells from shocks, paralysis of body organs, color blindness, warms, lice and other parasites of human body, accidental problems such as broken bones or teared tendons or twisting or frozen joints or organs of body and all kinds of nervous pain.
  • Special cases-- Drug addiction, Paralysis due to wrong drug implementation, Paralysis due to diseases, Accidental pain and broken bones, bone abscesses, Reduction of eye sight frequently, Parkinson disease, Piles, Fistula, Fisher, Burning cases, Emergency advance treatment of accidents and Shocks.

         Homeopathic preparations are very diluted mixtures of natural substances, they are completely safe and without undesirable side effects.


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